Increase Equipment Lifetime Value...

Corrosion Control and Industrial Coatings

"Quality Assured Long-Lasting Solutions..."

Guaranteed Corrosion Control Systems and Industrial Coatings

We offer products and solutions to help clients protect, maintain, and monitor their assets, thereby reducing maintenance and upgrade costs.

With our forty plus years of experience in the industry, we have in-depth knowledge of corrosion control systems and industrial coatings, allowing us to developed the most efficient custom solutions to match your unique requirements.

Our services include epoxy, polyurethane, industrial spray applications, sheeting refurbishment, abrasive blasting, high pressure water jetting, cladding and scaffolding.

Anti-Corrosion & Flooring Solutions

Since 1978, Structural Applications (PTY) Ltd specialises in corrosion control and flooring solutions for the mining, industrial and commercial industry.

We provide our clients with value added turnkey solutions and have experienced personnel and site supervisors, all of whom are dedicated to ensure our highest standards of quality control are continued and upheld.

SHEQ Policy

Structural Applications (Pty) Limited is committed to creating a safe and harmonious working environment for all its employees. Our SHEQ policy ensures that all completed work shall meet clients requirements and that procedures are documented and carried out within the required completion period.

BEE Structured


Structural Applications (Pty) LTD is a level 3 B-BBEE contributor with a 51% black ownership.

As part of our commitment towards transformation and supplier development, many of our staff and suppliers come from previously disadvantage backgrounds.

Wherever possible we add a portion of our work force from the community we are operating in at the time. Through in house and external training, we give these new recruits the opportunity to be mentored and grow with us.

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